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Abenina-Adar, Maayan, University of California, Los Angeles
Abney, Steven, University of Michigan
Abrusán, Márta
Abrusán, Márta, Somerville College, University of Oxford/ Lichtenberg Kolleg
Ahern, Christopher, University of Pennsylvania
Aloni, Maria, University of Amsterdam
Alonso-Ovalle, Luis, McGill University
Altshuler, Daniel, Associate Professor of Semantics in the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics at the University of Oxford, a Tutorial Fellow at Jesus College and a Lecturer at Brasenose College
Amaral, Patricia, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Indiana University
Anand, Pranav, University of California, Santa Cruz
AnderBois, Scott, Brown University
Aristodemo, Valentina, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS, Ecole Normal Supéreure
Arregui, Ana, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Asher, Nicholas, CNRS, IRIT
Asher, Nicholas, IRIT, CNRS
Asudeh, Ash, University of Rochester & Carleton University

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